What Is Difference Between Latency Upload and Unload

Bandwidth vs. Latency: What is the Difference?

The terms "bandwidth" and "latency" are always front and middle when reading about or discussing an internet service. But what do they mean? How are they unlike? And do they affect your internet speed?

While these ii terms are often confused, they're not the same affair. At that place are some subtle but of import differences between bandwidth and latency, and knowing which is your problem can be the key to getting the most out of your net connection.

Is your net feeling slow? You lot may demand a new plan with better bandwidth. Enter your zippo lawmaking below to run across what'south available in your area.

Bandwidth vs. latency

What is bandwidth?

Bandwidth is a measure of how much data can be transferred from i point in a network to some other within a specific amount of time. It's typically used to measure how much data y'all tin download to your device from a server on the internet.

Call back of your connection's bandwidth equally a motorway and your data as six cars traveling at the same speed. A freeway with high bandwidth would accept half-dozen lanes allowing all cars to arrive simultaneously in i 2d. A throughway with low bandwidth would have a unmarried lane allowing all cars to eventually arrive in 6 seconds.

Your actual bandwidth volition oft exist less than your maximum bandwidth due to network congestion, network overhead, and other external factors. For case, your internet connection may support a wide bandwidth (pike) of 1,000 Mbps, only your cyberspace program may close a few lanes and limit your bandwidth to 400 Mbps. Add on network congestion, local cabling issues, and and so on and your elevation bandwidth may simply be 300 Mbps.

Lesser line: A higher bandwidth is better.

Desire to see how fast your internet connectedness is at present?

What is latency?

Latency refers to how much fourth dimension a bespeak takes to travel to its destination and back.

For case, latency plays a huge part when gaming online. With low latency, your input is immediately seen on the screen—like jumping over a barrier—because very little time has passed between your push press, the server's acknowledgment of your action, and the returned acknowledgment rendered on your screen.

With high latency, yous'll see a delay between your controller input and the resulting bound on your screen considering the trip to the server and back takes longer. This filibuster is known equally input lag.

Latency isn't just a gaming issue. Every time you put in a request to your cyberspace connection (search for something on Google, check social media, etc.), it sends a signal to the server to call up the information and so bring it back to you. Since this usually happens pretty quickly, latency is measured in milliseconds.

Bottom line: A lower latency is ameliorate.

Pro tip:

To examination latency, your computer can ship a small bit of data to a remote server to measure the round-trip time. For instance, yous tin use the Ping utility to encounter how long data takes to attain its destination and back. Gamers use it to determine which server has a faster connection or to find out why their deportment feel sluggish when gaming online. This round-trip time is as well known equally a "ping rate."

How bandwidth and latency bear on yous


Most games with online connectivity don't require a very fast internet connection, and so the bear upon of bandwidth on your gaming experience is fairly minimal (unless you take a lot of people gaming at in one case on the aforementioned connection).

Everything you demand to play is already installed on your figurer or panel. An net connection comes into play when your game and the server exchange information like controller input, the earth'due south land, histrion coordinates, player communication, then on. If you're playing offline or in that location'due south no multiplayer component (like Mass Effect and Fallout 4 ), bandwidth isn't even an issue.

Only, every bit nosotros mentioned before, latency is vital to a skillful experience when gaming online—especially in fast-paced games like Fortnite and Overwatch. Loftier latency manifests as lag and can lead to meaning delays between your input and your character'due south action. In other words, you could already be dead while you're still trying to go off a shot, but you lot won't know it until your connection catches upwardly.


Since streaming involves downloading content from a server, bandwidth tends to exist the major factor in both video and audio streaming. That's because streaming happens with piffling input on your cease: you merely click and await.

Low bandwidth volition unremarkably evidence itself in two ways. It will either manifest as a painful corporeality of buffering as your connection tries to keep upwardly with the size of the content. Or information technology will show upwards as terrible video quality because your streaming service is attempting to recoup for the dull download speed.

Pro tip:

Buffering is when the downloading of streaming media stops. When you brainstorm a stream, the video or sound is downloaded and temporarily stored on your playback device. Once the video or audio starts, the service continues to download the remaining portion in the background. If the download stops for any reason, the video or audio pauses, and a "buffering" message appears on your screen. The bulletin goes away when in that location's enough of the video or audio file to keep playback.

Video conversation

Video chatting, similar FaceTime or Skype, tin exist negatively impacted by both low bandwidth and loftier latency. Low bandwidth will bear upon the quality of your conversation, making things hard to meet. Latency will crusade sync issues and freezing.


Not even basic, everyday web browsing is allowed to the furnishings of a poor internet connectedness. Low bandwidth will cause pages to load sloooowly and in segments (similar in the one-time dial-up days).

And with loftier latency, pages may load super fast only there will be a maddening delay at the kickoff where it seems like nothing's happening.

Tips for improving your connectedness speed

If your internet connectedness is getting y'all down, in that location are a few things y'all can exercise about it.

Brand certain your router settings are solid

Log in to your modem and router, and make certain your settings are not creating bottlenecks. Most routers and wireless gateways have a settings page where y'all can modify your password, adjust which channel the router is using, and more.

Usually, the login information is printed correct on a sticker on the bottom of the device. Check out our guide to improving Wi-Fi speed for more than details on what to exercise.

Upgrade your router

Yep, we get it: these things last forever. Only if you lot're still using an old model from 2008, chances are practiced that it's non letting your wireless connexion live up to its true potential. While a new router tin can't increase your programme'due south bandwidth, it can increase your wireless speed.

Upgrade your internet package

If you've upgraded your equipment and tweaked your settings merely however aren't getting the speeds you lot desire, the adjacent step is to upgrade to a faster internet package. Not sure how much speed you demand? We've got a handy speed recommendation tool to help with that.

Notice a new provider

If all else fails and you lot tin't get a good deal from your current provider, information technology may be time to move on to someone new. Contest is trigger-happy in the internet service loonshit, and virtually places have at least two nifty provider options.

If yous're not sure where to get-go, we provide a roundup of the fastest internet providers . You can besides see all your available options by entering your cipher lawmaking in the tool below.

The verdict: Bandwidth and latency are both crucial

Bandwidth and latency are both crucial to a peachy online feel, but the departure tin can be a little confusing. But with your newfound knowledge, you tin can use what y'all know to get on the fast track to a better net experience.

If you lot want to know more about how internet speed works, bank check out our comprehensive guide to internet speed.

Does your internet plan not have enough bandwidth? Enter your nix lawmaking to meet plans and providers near you lot.

FAQ virtually bandwidth vs. latency

What's the difference between latency and ping charge per unit?

There'due south no difference between latency and ping rate. Both refer to the delay between when you perform an action online and when you run across the result.

What type of cyberspace connection has the lowest latency?

In general, cable and fiber cyberspace has the lowest latency, while satellite internet has the highest. Aside from that, other factors—like your router and its location—can also have an impact on the level of latency you experience when using Wi-Fi.

What'southward a adept latency?

For general browsing and streaming, annihilation nether 100ms is fine. For intense gaming, you'll want to shoot for 50ms maximum, but nether 30ms would be ideal.

How can I cheque my cyberspace speed?

The easiest and quickest fashion to check your internet speed is to utilize an online speed test . This volition tell yous your current connection speed. You tin compare that to what your plan advertises to help nail down any problems.

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Author - Dave Schafer

Dave has written professionally for tech companies and consumer technology sites for nearly 5 years, with a special focus on TV and internet. He uses his industry expertise to help readers at HighSpeedInternet.com become the most out of their services. No matter the projection, he prefers his coffee black (the stronger, the meliorate).

Editor - Cara Haynes

Cara Haynes has been editing and writing in the digital space for vii years, and she's edited all things net for HighSpeedInternet.com for 5 years. She graduated with a BA in English and a small in editing from Brigham Immature University. When she's not editing, she makes tech accessible through her freelance writing for brands similar Pluralsight. She believes no i should experience lost in internet land and that a good internet connection significantly extends your life span.

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Source: https://www.highspeedinternet.com/resources/bandwidth-vs-latency-what-is-the-difference

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