How to Upload a Powerpoint to Panopto

Approximately 35 million PowerPoint presentations are given every mean solar day.

From classrooms to boardrooms, PowerPoint slides are the get-to medium for sharing supporting content that helps audiences absorb and connect with the concepts and ideas shared in a presentation. Dissimilar types of presentations include:

  • Business and sales presentations
  • Executive communications
  • Grooming and tutorials
  • Product demos
  • Educational lectures
  • Student assignments

Only what happens to all of those PowerPoint slides after they are presented? A handful will get shared or archived, either privately on SharePoint or publicly on SlideShare depending on the content and intended audience.

In most cases, PowerPoint slides on their own — without the corresponding presentation —  are incomplete and don't do the best job of communicating the concepts from the actual presentation. Those ahead of the curve share and archive recordings of their full presentations.

So, what's the best manner to record your PowerPoint presentation?

If y'all've e'er experimented with recording a presentation, you've likely tried one of the following:

  • Recorded narration over your PowerPoint presentation in PowerPoint itself
  • Used a screen recorder to capture your slides and a voice over
  • Used Google Hangouts or another video chat tool to record your slides equally you present them

While each of these presentation recording methods will undoubtedly produce a resource that is a footstep higher up lifeless PowerPoint slides, they all share 1 glaring shortfall: They however can't engage your viewers the aforementioned way you could if you were presenting right in front of them.

Experienced business organisation professionals and educators will be the first to tell y'all that the nearly effective online presentations show both your PowerPoint slides and you lot presenting. From eye contact to trunk language, showing the total presentation makes the viewer feel like they are in the room — it volition grab your viewer's attention and meliorate comprehension and retention of your key points.

When information technology comes to employee training, form lectures, or any other communication that's enhanced through show-and-tell, a multi-stream video of you lot delivering your PowerPoint presentation is ultimately the all-time fashion to share information.

How To Tape A PowerPoint Presentation With Audio And Video

With Panopto Express, the near advanced free video and screen recorder bachelor today, it's easy to record yourself and your PowerPoint slides side-past-side with just your laptop and its congenital-in webcam and microphone. But open Panopto Express in your web browser, select the media you want to record, press the ruby button and nowadays!

Click here to kickoff recording with Panopto Express — y'all can follow along through each step below to record your own PowerPoint presentation.

Pace 1: Prepare Your PowerPoint Slides and Talking Points

Every bit you prep your slides and structure your presentation, recall strategically virtually how your PowerPoint slides volition visually engage your audience and support your talking points, without duplicating you program to say. And we'll let y'all in on the single greatest underground to delivering a perfect presentation: tape yourself practicing .

Footstep ii: Select Your Audio and Video Sources

Panopto will automatically detect any continued audio and video feeds, whether y'all're using your computer'southward built-in devices or an external webcam or microphone that you've plugged into your USB ports. But toggle the automatically detected sound and video sources to chose the media inputs you want to capture. Be sure to examination the audio and video quality before you deliver your total presentation.

Y'all can find more tips for making your webcam recordings expect expert hither .

Record you and your PowerPoint slides with Panopto video presentation software Use Panopto Express in your web browser to select audio and video sources.

Step three: Open Your PowerPoint Slides and Capture the Screen

Open your PowerPoint presentation and put information technology in "Slide Evidence" mode. With Panopto Express, you'll take two options for recording your slides: You tin either record your slides by recording your screen or past recording the slides within the PowerPoint application. Click the screen capture icon and make your selection from the dialog window that appears in your browser.

Capture PowerPoint Slides side-by-side your video presentation in Panopto

Capture your PowerPoint slides straight from PowerPoint or by recording your screen.

You'll detect that you tin can add together multiple video sources and capture multiple screens with Panopto Express, which ways you have a lot of flexibility to record more just you and your slides. You can share your screen to bear witness a live walk-through or sit-in along with your slides in some other screen, and you tin fifty-fifty capture multiple video feeds at the same time. Panopto syncs all of your media in the cloud so y'all can capture every element of your presentation, no matter the complexity.

Additional recording settings: Click the gear icon in the lower right of your screen to configure boosted settings for your recording. Here you lot can:

  • Turn on r ecording in Ultra Hard disk drive (4k)
  • Enable virtual background blur and replacement
  • Change the arrangement of your video streams from flick-in-picture to side-by-side
  • Activate Smart Camera, which tracks your movement and keeps you perfectly positioned within the frame every bit you motion around

Pace 4: Printing Record And Start Presenting

Later on selecting your media inputs in Panopto Limited, you're set to press the tape push and start presenting.

How to record powerpoint slides with Panopto's video presentation software

Now that you've finished your recording, you're ready to share it. Panopto gives you several options for sharing.

Share your video privately with Panopto — simply sign-upwardly for a free Panopto Basic account and share your video past email. Or upload your video directly to YouTube or to Google Classroom.

Share video recordings of PowerPoint presentations online

Watch A PowerPoint Presentation Recorded With Panopto

Presenting in a Live Video Conference?
Record a live presentation with Panopto ExpressYous Can Record That Too!

Today, many more presentations are given remotely via video conferencing applications, similar Zoom or Webex Meetings, than are delivered in-person. You can too use Panopto Express to record and share a alive presentation you're giving in a video conference.

You'll find footstep-by-step instructions in our latest blog:

How To Screen Record Any Online Coming together >

Tape your screen with Panopto Express, a gratuitous online screen recorder.

Share instantly through YouTube, Google Classroom, or anyway you lot prefer.
No gratuitous trial limitations. No downloads, plug-ins, user accounts, or credit carte du jour required.

First Recording Now


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