The Family Is Not Currently Editable. Would You Like to Make It Editable and Contue ? In Revit

Function Ii. Revit

Affiliate 15. Add/edit model-in-place components & edit family unit

 Session Objectives

Upon completing this session, students will be able to:

(CO 1) Add together/Edit Furniture families
(CO two) Add/Edit Model-in-place components – Custom casework
(CO 3) Add/Edit a New Family unit – Furniture

 Session Highlights

At the end of the session, students can create the graphics below.

It shows the session highlight presenting furniture, plumbing fixtures, and section cuts. This is the expected result at the end of this lecture.

 Lecture Contents

(CO 1) Add/Edit Furniture families

For construction documents in Revit, furniture can be mainly categorized into two main areas. 1 is a product, which includes custom furniture and manufacture-made furniture, and the other is a contractor (carpenter) made born furniture or millwork.

  • We typically use [Place COMPONENTS] a Revit family for custom article of furniture and industry-fabricated furniture because information technology will be used multiple times. It includes millwork similar Revit Countertop, Shelf, Cabinets, and so on.
  • We typically use [MODEL-IN-Identify] for contractor made congenital-in piece of furniture or millwork considering it will be used but in one case for the specific infinite only.

Revit Article of furniture [PLACE COMPONENTS]

  • [STEP ane] Open up a Floor Plan – Level 1 view from Project Browser
  • [Footstep 2] You may change the scale of the view because nosotros changed the drawing calibration to fit on an 11in Ten 17 in sheet. I changed the drawing calibration from 3/32" to iii/16"
  • [STEP iii] Click [COMPONENTS] (CM) from [ARCHITECTURE] tab
    It indicates how to add components.
  • [Step 4] You lot volition find furniture (or any components-lighting fixture, plumbing, case piece of work-sink, appliances, plants) from [Properties] palette that you want to put in the floor plan. If y'all exercise not find the piece of furniture from the panel, yous must click [LOAD Family] from the [MODIFY/PLACE COMPONENT] tab and find the furniture family you want to add from the Library folder or the websites from Session fourteen
    • BimObject
    • Revit Metropolis https://world wide
    • BIM Smith
    • NBS National BIM Library
    • Manufacturers' website

For your Floor plan, you do not demand to find the exact furniture that you want to employ. You may utilize the Revit article of furniture family unit for your flooring plan as a placeholder. Practise not waste fourth dimension to add together all objects (like books, decorative pieces for perspectives) that are not showing on your floor program. For your perspective views and renderings, information technology would be ameliorate to find the most authentic Revit family file. If yous cannot observe the Revit family file, find the SketchUp file and use it for your rendering.

  • [Footstep 5] Place the furniture families on your floor plan. Make sure the Level is what you desire.
  • [STEP vi] Use [Space bar] on your keyboard to rotate the family.
    To move/rotate/align/copy/mirror the furniture, click the piece of furniture that you lot want to move/rotate and so click [Movement] (MO), [ROTATE] (RO), [align] (AL), [COPY] (CO), or [MIRROR] (MM) from [MODIFY/Piece of furniture] tab
  • [Stride 7] Also, you tin can utilize [ALIGNED DIMENSION] (DI) from the [Notation] tab
    It shows the resulting image after placing all furniture and millwork families.
  • Complete all furniture placement
    It shows the resulting image after placing all furniture and millwork families.

(CO 2) Add/Edit Model-in-place components – Custom casework

Create Model in Place components (Alcove seating)

  • [Pace i] Open up a Flooring Plan – Level 1 view from Project Browser
  • [Pace 2] Y'all may turn on the reference CAD program/Imported image to encounter the size of the Alcove setting or turn on [HIDDEN ELEMENTS] if it is hidden and unhide the category
    It indicates how to unhide the imported image for reference.
  • [STEP 3] Click Component small black arrow and click [MODEL IN Identify] from [ARCHITECTURE] tab
  • [STEP four] You will need to select the most relevant Family Category. For the Alcove Seating, [CASEWORK] is the most appropriate category. Click [OK]
  • [STEP v] make a proper name for the component [Alcove seating].
    It indicates how to set the work plane.
  • [STEP half-dozen] To draw lines/models, yous must gear up/ostend the [WORK Aeroplane] start
    • Click [SET] from [CREATE] tab
    • You tin can select the piece of work plane with the name or pick a plan. Brand certain this will exist the base plane that you lot work
      It indicates how to create a component-model in-place.
  • [Pace 6] Y'all can make models with the Forms tool
    • For the apse seating, click [EXTRUSION] and depict lines with the [DRAW] tool
    • The line must exist closed. You lot may use [TRIM] (TR) to brand it closed
    • Double-cheque the Extrusion End and Extrusion Get-go
    • Click the [GREEN CHECKMARK] to finish the drawing
      It indicates what to draw lines for the component-model in-place.
    • For the upper part, you will create the upper part in the current [MODEL-IN Identify COMPONENT]
    • If y'all want to endeavor other Forms, you are welcome to try and practice.
    • Apply the [VOID] tool and Cut tool to subtract a form from other forms (southward)
    • Click Extrusion > Draw lines > make sure the extrusion Terminate and Start > Click [GREEN CHECKMARK]
    • If the model is not showing, please check on your ISO view and change the [Work PLANE]
    • Once all forms created, you volition click the [GREEN CHECKMARK] to Finish Model
      It indicates how to draw lines for the component-model in-place.
  • Complete the casework
    It shows the resulting image after creating the custom alcove seating.

(CO three) Add/Edit a New Family – Article of furniture

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to create a unproblematic furniture family in Revit. We will apply Eames Walnut Stool information from https://world wide

To create a new family file (Model it will be used multiple times)

  • [STEP 1] Click [FILE] > [NEW] > [Family]
  • [Pace 2] Find [Furniture.rft] in the Select Template File browser and Click [OPEN]
    It indicates how to create a new family.
  • [STEP 3] Information technology will automatically open these four windows. Earlier you first, save the family file to your project folder.
  • [Pace four] I recommend you make the view tile (WT) and Zoom All (ZA) run across all views. Y'all will selection a view [REFERENCE LEVEL], or [FRONT] view depends on what you lot want to make.
    It shows the tile views.
  • [STEP 5] To depict the stool, you will use [REVOLVE] to draw this stool
  • [Step half dozen] Before you draw a revolving line, you will need [REFERENCE PLANES] to know the Top and Width. Click [REFERENCE Aeroplane] from the [CREATE] tab
  • [Footstep seven] Draw superlative left, and right reference plane and dimension it
    Dimension information from this page
    It indicates how to create reference planes with dimensions.
  • [Step 8] On [Front] view, Click [REVOLVE] from the [CREATE] tab
  • [Step 9] Draw lines for the Contour (Boundary). The lines are to be closed
    It indicates how to draw boundary lines for the stool.
  • [Pace 10] Select [Centrality LINE] and pick the centerline
  • [STEP 11] Click the [GREEN CHECKMARK] to finish the model
    It indicates how to draw an axis line.
  • [Footstep 12] If you want to add/decrease whatsoever model, you tin create it in this model
  • [Step 13] Once all your model works are done, save the family file on your project binder.
  • [STEP fourteen] Click [LOAD INTO Projection] to your project.
    It indicates how to load the furniture family to the project.

Note. Use Sketchup Model in Revit
Importing SketchUp Files into Revit Tutorial
If you lot want your Sketchup file in multiple-use, you should make information technology as a family file.
Sketchup material will not be followed and merged as one material, but I volition demonstrate some tips in the next session. Refer to this video
Revit Architecture | Convert SketchUp Models Into Revit(With Materials)

SAVE the file earlier closing the application.

Save in a different location for the backup (e.g., a cloud folder)


Autodesk.Aid. (2018, May sixteen). Revit Families. Retrieved Oct 22, 2020, from up/revit-products/acquire-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2016/ENU/Revit-Model/files/GUID-4EBB97AD-C7B6-4828-91EB-BC0E99B81E43-htm.html

Eames Walnut Stools. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2020, from https://world wide

DWR. (2019, June 12). Eames Walnut Stool. Retrieved October 23, 2020, from

Balkan Architect. (2018, April 12). Importing SketchUp Files into Revit Tutorial. Retrieved Oct 23, 2020, from https://world wide

M.T.H Revit Tutorials. (2018, May 4). Convert SketchUp Models Into Revit (with Materials). Retrieved October 23, 2020, from


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