Add LinkedIn Video to your list of places to share your visual content. Here's why you shouldn't ignore the growing power of LinkedIn Video.

When you lot think nearly creating video for social media, you most likely think of Facebook and YouTube. However, you don't want to miss out on LinkedIn for video.

In this article, we will review the video formatting requirements for LinkedIn, information about live video, and what types of video work all-time on this platform.

LinkedIn Live

Unlike Facebook LIVE, LinkedIn's alive video selection is non an option for anybody all the same. Most social media experts believe that it will be at some indicate, merely for now, LinkedIn's alive video option is only in beta.

If you lot want to utilise LinkedIn Live, you can apply for admission to the beta program.

Applying is an involved procedure … LinkedIn states that only a small percent of applications are getting accepted right now. The application itself though gives some ideas as to what LinkedIn is looking for in video across the board. Some of the items LinkedIn asks about on the awarding:

  • If you are applying as an individual or a page
  • How many connections you have
  • Where you are located
  • If y'all stream on other channels (and if then, a link to your other live content for review)
  • What type of content you want to produce and how often

linkedin video

You can count on LinkedIn to bank check the other content you produce elsewhere before information technology gives yous the dark-green low-cal. LinkedIn volition also review your folio or profile to come across what types of content you are already producing.

If you oasis't done so however,  practice a complete audit of your social media with a special focus on your live video streams to brand certain y'all are putting your best human foot frontwards. Pay attending to the details, like subtitles on your videos and video length.

If you practice become approved, you will likewise need to use one of the LinkedIn video partners. Some platforms offering a free programme, up to $179 or more per calendar month. Which partner you lot cull will depend on your needs. For example, yous need to consider how often you desire to go live, if you want to stream on multiple platforms at one time, and how many guests you want to be able to invite on your alive videos.

LinkedIn has created a handy guide to help you lot select the right video partner.

Specifications for LinkedIn Video

Type of video files

Linkedin supports many types of video files including the mutual MP4 and MPEG-1 and MPEG-iv types. They practice Non support GIF files, .MOV or Quicktime files among others.

You will desire to bank check LinkedIn'south full video specifications list if you are not sure if your file blazon is supported.

Size and length stats

Also, your LinkedIn video has to meet size and length requirements:

  • The file size must exist between 75KB and 5GB.
  • Video fourth dimension must be betwixt three seconds and ten minutes long.
  • Resolution range: 256 ten 144 to 4096 ten 2304
  • Attribute ratio: i:ii.four – two.4:1
  • Frame rates: 10fps – lx fps
  • Scrap rates: 192 kbps – xxx Mbps

If you are having whatever trouble uploading, check the specifications starting time to make sure they are within LinkedIn's guidelines.

Native vs. not-native LinkedIn videos

Yous can also share links to videos elsewhere, such equally YouTube or Vimeo, similar in this example:

example of linkedin video sharing

Important differences between native (those you upload straight) and non-native (those hosted on other sites) LinkedIn videos are that …

  • LinkedIn algorithms may prefer directly uploaded videos and testify them to more people.
  • Native videos autoplay in the feed; not-native do not.
  • Not-native videos may not play straight in the feed, taking people off LinkedIn and off your contour.
  • Y'all can merely create captions for natively uploaded videos.

If you want to get serious well-nigh LinkedIn video as a function of your strategy, yous should upload them direct to your profile.

How to Upload Video Content to LinkedIn

When you lot are ready to post your videos, it is easy. Beginning a new mail and and then select your video file.

linkedin video example

Yous tin can also choose whether to post to your personal profile or a concern business relationship that yous manage and what audience you want to be able to view the video. The default is to share with anyone on or off LinkedIn. You can also choose to share the post with Twitter, with specific groups, or only people that are your connections. Audience is besides where you can plough on or off comments with the "advanced" setting.

another linkedin video example

In one case the video is uploaded, you lot have the option to upload an SRT file to add video captions and to write text to accompany the post.

what about your linkedin video do you want to talk about

Once you brand sure you meet the technical components of your video, think about how you volition get people to watch your videos and what types of content are a good fit for the LinkedIn platform.find out why teams love managing their social with agorapulse

Ideas for Creating LinkedIn Videos

Content to produce

What types of videos will do well on LinkedIn? LinkedIn gives you some ideas almost what videos and live videos they want to meet:

  • High-quality and professional videos
  • Support making connections and finding opportunities
  • Sharing your thoughts on news stories
  • Giving an insider industry look
  • Showing off a new product
  • Sharing a business-related result y'all are attending
  • Ask-me-anything with a visitor executive
  • Hosting a book club discussion
  • Interviewing an influencer

Some other ideas include …

  • Explaining your services
  • Sharing answers to commonly asked questions you get
  • Video testimonials or interviews
  • How-to videos and tutorials

Take a look at some content creators who are already doing video on LinkedIn and make notes of what is working and what they are doing right.

here's an example of a linkedin video that does great

Don't worry about feeling bad-mannered …  Yous still can create constructive videos fifty-fifty if you don't feel confident in forepart of the photographic camera.

Necessary video equipment

The LinkedIn platform values the quality and professionalism of your videos. It is worth taking the extra fourth dimension to make certain that your videos meet the marking.

Make sure to:

  • Take good lighting and a photographic camera with clear resolution (Your telephone will probably nevertheless work as long as you have good lighting and use a tripod.)
  • Make sure viewers tin can easily hear the audio
  • Clothes professionally if you are on photographic camera
  • Review your ideas and script out what you lot desire to talk

Schedule time for each step of the process, not merely for shooting the video. And if y'all are not doing live video, you can besides edit the videos to make them more than professional.

Once you have taken the fourth dimension to create videos that are effective LinkedIn content, you definitely want people to watch them! You can practice this in two ways:

  1. By getting more visibility on LinkedIn
  2. Sharing your content outside of LinkedIn.

Sharing your videos on LinkedIn

Posting your video is merely the first step! Make sure you take advantage of the hashtags, and so people observe your video when searching for content.

Y'all have many ways to maximize your exposure on LinkedIn.

I idea is to write a blog postal service about the topic of the video on LinkedIn Publishing. Doing and so gives y'all a double benefit of making your mail service more interesting and engaging, and providing a wider distribution for your video at the same fourth dimension.

linkedin video sharing on facebook

Who do you know that would specifically do good from this video? What groups would find value in your video?

Think of where else within LinkedIn you can share your video including:

  • In a private bulletin to a specific person
  • In a LinkedIn grouping to which you belong
  • As a reply or comment to someone asking a related question

But you are not express to just LinkedIn for promoting your new video.

Expanding the reach of your LinkedIn videos

By sharing your video outside of LinkedIn you will drive traffic back to your LinkedIn contour to assist build new connections and relationships. You can share the video on other online places by copying the video link or embedding the mail service on your website.

how you can share your linkedin video on other channels

If yous want to share your video exterior of LinkedIn, y'all must make sure the permissions are set, so that information technology is visible to those off the platform as well.

Another layer to video strategy on LinkedIn is that you can share other people's videos as well if they are created as public videos. This can be a good mode to build relationships with influencers and share content with your audience that you might not be able to produce yourself.

Some ideas of how you can share videos are …

  • Send an electronic mail to your list with the link to the video
  • Share the video on other social media platforms
  • Ship a private email or bulletin off LinkedIn to a specific person who might be interested
  • Embed the video on your website or as part of a web log or guest post

Wherever you share, call back to always proceed your focus on adding value. Is it something that will make life improve for your viewers? If so, how? Clarify why yous are sending the video to them when you practice.

Are You Using LinkedIn Video?

Are you using LinkedIn video correct now? How have you lot seen it impact your results?

If you are set to dive in, get started using these steps:

  • Determine how oftentimes you want to post a video.
  • Choose the types of content you would like to create.
  • Analyze how video on LinkedIn will fit with your other social media marketing.
  • Apply for LinkedIn Live if you think it is a adept fit for your strategy.
  • Brand certain your videos fit the technical requirements for LinkedIn.
  • Start creating content.
  • Promote your content to the earth!

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How to Create Amazing LinkedIn Videos Starting Today