How to Know if You Snore at Night

Why It Happens

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If you snore, information technology's considering the relaxed tissues in your pharynx vibrate equally the air you breathe in rushes past them. About half of U.S. adults do it from time to time. Things like your weight, your wellness, and the shape of your mouth can make you lot more than probable to sound like you're sawing logs during the night.

How Do I Know If I Snore?

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If information technology's loud plenty to wake your partner, you probably have heard almost it. If you don't believe them or sleep alone and want to know for sure, turn on a voice-activated recorder before you fall sleep.

Stuffy Nose

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Annihilation that stops you from animate through your nose can make you lot snore, like if you lot're stopped up from a cold, flu, or allergies. Over-the-counter medicines or nasal strips can help open up up those airways, but talk to your doctor if you lot're stuffed up for weeks at a time.

You Sleep on Your Back

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This can brand you snore or arrive worse. Sleeping on your side is better, and cuddling with your partner -- "spooning" -- gets both of y'all on your sides. Y'all also could endeavour sleeping with two or iii stacked pillows so you're not flat on your dorsum. If neither of those works, sew a pocket-sized pocket between the shoulder blades of a shirt that's a little tight. Put a lawn tennis ball in the pocket so information technology's uncomfortable when y'all roll onto your back.

The Shape of Your Nose

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If the thin wall between your nostrils didn't form quite right, one side can be smaller than the other -- that's called a deviated septum. That tin can make information technology harder for you lot to breathe and make you lot snore. The same can happen if your nose was injure in an accident. Talk to your dr. if you call back something like this is going on with yous -- surgery can sometimes prepare information technology.

The Shape of Your Mouth

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If the upper role of your mouth toward your throat -- your soft palate -- is low and thick, information technology can narrow your airway and brand yous snore. That besides can happen if the modest slice of tissue that hangs from your soft palate -- the uvula -- is longer than usual. You may exist born with these things, but they can get worse if you're overweight. Surgery tin sometimes assist with this, too.

Is It Your Medication?

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Drugs that make you sleepy (called sedatives), muscle relaxants, and some antidepressants can relax your tongue and the muscles in your throat. Some of the meds can besides contribute to weight gain, which tin can exacerbate sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor if you snore and take whatsoever of those -- they may exist able to change your meds.

Slumber Apnea

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Snoring can be a sign of a more serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea. That'south a condition in which a person repeatedly stops breathing for cursory periods of time during sleep. Information technology may brand you lot gasp for breath or wake yous during the night. Signs of it include dry mouth, headache, or a sore throat in the morning. It'southward linked to stroke, high blood pressure, and eye disease, so see your dr. if you think you might have sleep apnea. They may recommend a device that helps you exhale while you sleep or, in some cases, surgery.

If Your Child Snores

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It'south not unusual for kids to snore at present and then, especially if they have a cold or allergy. Just in some cases, it can exist a sign of an infection in the sinuses, pharynx, lungs, or airways, or perhaps sleep apnea. If you've noticed that your child snores loudly most nights, talk with their pediatrician about it.

If You're Pregnant

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Momshoped-for are likely to snore considering their nasal passages tin can swell and make it harder to breathe. Weight gain during pregnancy also can push on the diaphragm, which helps move air in and out of your lungs. But significant women should tell their doctors if they snore, because it can be linked to health issues like high blood pressure.

What You Can Do: Watch Your Weight

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You're more likely to snore if you lot're overweight, specially if your neck is more than 17 inches if you're a man or 16 inches if you're a woman. Losing a few pounds may help keep it in bank check. Talk to your medico nigh a plan that would be correct for y'all.

What You Can Practise: Cut Back on Alcohol

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Like some medicines, adult beverages can relax your tongue and throat muscles, and that can brand y'all snore. It helps to watch what and how much you drink, especially shut to bedtime.

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Show Sources


  1. Getty Images
  2. Getty Images
  3. Getty Images
  4. WebMD
  5. Nucleus Medial Media
  6. Getty Images
  7. Getty Images
  8. Getty Images
  9. Getty Images
  10. Getty Images
  11. Getty Images
  12. Getty Images

American University of Sleep Medicine: "Snoring - Causes and Symptoms." "How To Stop Snoring."

Mayo Dispensary: "Slumber Apnea," "Obstructive Sleep Apnea," "Snoring."

National Health Service: "Snoring - Causes."

National Institutes of Wellness: "What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?"

National Sleep Foundation: "Partners And Sleep," "Sleeping By The Trimesters: 3rd Trimester," "Snoring in Children."

The Better Sleep Council: "Sleep Positions."


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